Hellooooooooo and welcome to another week of Chronicles/anti-journaling!  Woo!  If you are new here or just need a refresher, check out the Manifesto (I love that word).

A couple of weeks ago I released the master list of prompts.  I am still tweaking and adjusting and figuring out the easiest way to make this work, and I know there are people out there who are not so self-motivated (I’m looking at you, Cheri. 😉 ) – I am TOTALLY one of those people.  If you look at my page last week, you can see that I struggled a bit too.  SO.  We are going to combine the best of both worlds, here.  Using the master list and the miracle of modern science known as the random sequence generator on random.org, I will release a weekly list of prompts to use and will use those prompts myself.  It’s easier to procrastinate when you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, so let’s get rid of that problem. 😀

SO, here we go!

Week 5 prompts, chosen by random.org:

  • Art:
    1. If you’re in a workshop or class, actually do an exercise (I am notoriously bad about taking workshops and not doing anything with them).  If not, try a new technique
    2. Check out http://www.daysoftheyear.com/ and find out what today is.  Draw it.
    3. Try to copy a painting from the 1800s or emulate one of your favorite artists (be sure to credit the original artist!)
    4. (Optional:  Journal52)
  • Journaling:
    1. Write about your favorite thing that happened this week.
    2. What song do you love this week?
    3. Write one long-term goal.
  • Photography:
    1. Look around for three things that start with the same letter.  Take a picture of them.
    2. Do a photography challenge (there are a billion of them on the internet/facebook/blogosphere) and paste in your favorite picture.
    3. Take a picture of the thing that is making you really happy right now.
  • Destash:  Use something you can’t stop buying.
  • Scrappy:  Paste in receipts/ticket stubs/other miscellaneous mementos

Here are my pages!



My main spread is prompt #1 in the art section – actually doing a workshop lesson.  I have done Lifebook two years in a row, and this is the first time I’ve actually completed an exercise.  It was a super coincidence since I can’t resist popups.  The page on the right was just me playing around with colored pencils.. Here’s a closeup:

face closeup


As part of the destash, I used something I can’t stop buying:  Grounds and mediums.  I have so many different kinds of acrylic grounds (three different kinds of white gesso, clear gesso, absorbent ground for watercolor, and pastel ground, which is what this is).  I mixed the pastel ground with water and a bit of aqua acrylic, and it gave it a really cool sandpapery texture that is awesome for colored pencil.  Eats the pencil like a zombie on your femur, but still.  Nice.  I made some more of the same paper for my popups, too!

journal52 and photography

This page has a photography prompt (three things of the same letter), a scrappy prompt (I pasted in my kid’s excellent report card since it was sitting here getting in my way), and this week’s Journal52 prompt, which was Love Letters.  I took that SUPER LITERALLY.  I also destashed with some washi tape.  Mostly to keep the uncooperative edges of that Love Letter down.

block of text and ice worm day


This page is JAM PACKED.  First, art prompt #2 – February 3 was Cordova Ice Worm day, so I drew a big ice worm with walnut ink over acrylic.  I added my goal for this week, which is to get some calligraphy practice in (and to try to catch up, but that is just hilarious).  I wrote about my favorite song, dropped in a picture of something making me really happy, and doodled a bit.  I wrote down some random things that happened during the week, and I made sure to write what different supplies I used in different spots so that I would remember later.

All in all, a successful spread, I think!   You can see I didn’t do every single prompt, but I still had enough to fill up two pages plus the inclusion and got a pretty good chronicle of my week!

I hope this makes things easier.  As always, do them all if you want or pick what you like and dump the rest!



Sarah wants to know how everything works. She also has a short attention span and is addicted to coffee. Those two things are probably not mutually exclusive.


AnnDAngelo · February 10, 2014 at 6:54 pm

Very clever idea to pull items from the master list using the randomizationator! I'm excited to see your spread! *Waggles eyebrows*

    sarah · February 11, 2014 at 1:39 am

    Thanks, girl. My spread awaits your eager eyes. *leer*

      AnnDAngelo · February 11, 2014 at 2:10 am

      YOUR POP-UPS! *Swoons* *Lands on floor* *Has concussive dream about your pop-ups*



      (The spread is great! Is it weird if I read the entry? I feel weird and voyeuristic. I know you took a picture and posted it on the interwebs, but still. I hope it's okay.

      Also, POP-UPS! Holy fuck! I love them!)

        sarah · February 11, 2014 at 8:30 am

        *wraps a pillow around your head to prevent brain damage*

        OF COURSE you can read the entry! If it were something I didn't want to share, like, "OMG ANN IS DRIVING ME CRAZY WITH HER CONSTANT BACON-EATING!" I would blur it out. 😉 With that being said, if, in the future, you see a spread that is blurred out, it's not about you.

        I was so excited to see that this week's lesson was about popups!!

Cheri Quigley Hayward · February 10, 2014 at 8:43 pm

ROFL Way to call me out there 😀 I do know myself well enough to admit to my unmotivated-ness. Sometimes things are just difficult for me. (shrugs) I am totally in love with the Randomizer and cannot wait to start this weeks pages (my ones from last week were exceptionally sorry indeed. LOL) I even bought some new toys that I can't wait to use. 😀 Excitement abounds! I can't wait to see your pages.

    sarah · February 11, 2014 at 1:39 am

    hahahah Hey, I fully admitted mine, too, so I'm calling out myself as much as anyone else. 😀

    I can't wait to see what you're up to! It was way easier to figure out what to write/draw/blab about this week.

      Cheri Quigley Hayward · February 11, 2014 at 2:22 am

      Holy AWESOME Journal Spread, Batman! That is f'n fantastic. Love, LOVE the pop-ups (may have to try that myself someday). Dang. Just D-A-A-AAAAAAA-NG.

        sarah · February 11, 2014 at 8:31 am

        Thank you!!! <3 You should totally try it – they are super fun. I challenge you to do popups when the randomizer spits out trying a new technique as the art prompt. OH HEY THAT IS THIS WEEK. 😛

Danette · February 11, 2014 at 3:25 pm

Ooooo pop-ups!! A. D. O. R. E. Them….,
I m.u.s.t. try!!! 🙂 <3

    sarah · February 11, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    They are so fun!!! I hope you do! 😀 <3

      Danette Loreen · February 12, 2014 at 3:06 pm

      Page one up….pop ups are coming (IF I can ever get them to cooperate lol!) 🙂

        sarah · February 13, 2014 at 9:10 am

        yay! They are a little fiddly, for sure. 😉

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